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3 June 2024

The Royal Castle of Wawel

4 June 2024

University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, Podchorążych 2


Conference fee: PLN 650 (EUR 150)

The Conference fee is PLN 650 (EUR 150). It covers organizational costs, conference materials, meals, accompanying events and costs of publication upon the reception of positive reviews. The Conference fee does not include travel and accommodation.

More details about the payment will be provided in Announcement 2.


Participant submission:

Please, send the completed participation form until 30 April 2024 :




dr Agnieszka Tajak-Bobek dr Andrzej Kobiałka




Once initially reviewed, the papers submitted will be sent to editors of scientific journals from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education list that focus on the areas discussed during the conference. Papers which receive two positive reviews will be published. The author will be informed about the results of the reviews by e-mail.

The submission deadline for the papers is 30 August 2024. Please, submit the texts to:

e-mail: The papers should be prepared according to guidelines listed below.


Publication guidelines

An article should be written in English.

The text should be written in MS Word editor, using Times New Roman font, size 12 p.; leading 1,5; margins 2.5 cm; justified text.

Maximum length is 20,000 signs with spaces including footnotes and references.

Footnotes and references should be edited according to the American Psychological Association (APA) style.


Paper structure

  1. Author’s name, ORCID
  2. Author’s affiliation
  3. Title of the paper in Polish
  4. Title of the paper in English
  5. Text divided into subtitles
  6. Abstract in Polish
  7. Keywords in Polish
  8. Abstract in English
  9. Keywords in English
  10. References


Footnote guidelines

a) 1 author publication:

Author (Year) text.

Example: Kowalski (2010) states that… Research indicate that… (Kowalski, 2010).

b) 2 authors publication:

Always provide the names of both authors and a publication date: Example: As suggested by Kowalski & Nowak (2014)…

Research indicate that… (Kowalski, Nowak, 2014).

c) 3-5 authors publication:

If an item is referred to for the first time, all authors should be listed, their names separated with commas and “&” between the last two names.

Example: As suggested by Nowak, Kowalski & Kliś (2014)… Research (Nowak, Kowalski & Kliś, 2014) indicate that….

In the case of subsequent referenced to the same item, the expression “at al.” can be used.

d) 6 and more authors:

Provide the first author only both when the item is cited for the first time and with the next citations.

e) When referring to several items, the should be listed in alphabetical order by the author.

f) When referring to several items by the same author, published in the same year, mark them with “a”, “b”, “c” etc.


Bibliographical references

Bibliography should be listed alphabetically. Guidelines:

a) book

Author(s), I. (year). Title. Place of publishing: Publishing house. Example: Pikuła, N.G. (2015). Poczucie sensu życia osób starszych. Inspiracje do edukacji w starości. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Impuls.

b) Monographic volume edited by:

Author(s), I (ed.) (year). Title. Place of publishing: Publishing House.

Example: Gerlach, R. Kulpa-Puszczyńska, A. Tomaszewska-Lipiec, R. (eds.) (2008). Wybrane problemy pedagogiki pracy w aspekcie przygotowania do pracy. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego.

c) chapter in collective publication:

Author(s), I (year). Chapter title. In: Author(s) (ed.), Book title (pages of the chapter). Place of publishing: Publishing House.

Waloszek, D. (2005). Przedszkole jako podstawa szkoły promującej rozwój człowieka. In: J. Kuźma, J. Morbitzer (eds.), Edukacja – szkoła – nauczyciele: promowanie rozwoju dziecka, (pp. 184-191). Kraków: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pedagogicznej.

d) Journal article:

Author, I (year). Paper title. Journal title, year No., page of the article. Furmanek, W. (2015). Problematyka języka pedagogiki (pracy). Labor et Educatio, 3/2015, 11-30.

If a journal article has a DOI, include the DOI at the end of the reference.

e) Internet source:

Author, I. (year). Paper title. Journal title, Vol. (No), page. Retrieved from: webpage address www.

If the text cited is found on a webpage and is not an article in a journal, chapter in a book or a book, provide the following: author, publication date, title, information about the website.


Conference Announcement:

Conference Announcement 3-4.06.2024